Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Engineering
Soft Set-based Decision Making
Rough Set-based Data Mining
Soft Computing and Data Mining
Prior submitting a manuscript to The Third International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (DaEng) 2024, we suggest potential authors to follow our writing guidelines as following:
The title must convey the objective of the paper - the nicer, the better
Affiliation addresses
Email(s) (please use an institution email)
The abstract is a very brief overview of your ENTIRE study. It tells the reader WHAT you did, WHY you did it, HOW you did it, WHAT you found, and WHAT it means. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of the research (introduction), give the research problem and/or main objective of the research (Motivation), how the problem was studied (methods), the principal findings (results), and what the findings mean (discussion and conclusion). It is important to be descriptive but concise--say only what is essential, using no more words than necessary to convey meaning. The Abstract should be 100 to 200 words in length.
Keywords:Keyword 1; Keyword 2; Keyword 3; Keyword 4; Keyword 5. Minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords.
The structure of an introduction is
- What is the context of this problem? In what situation or environment can this problem be observed? (Background)
- Why is this research important? Who will benefit? Why do we need to know this? Why does this situation, method, model or piece of equipment need to be improved? (Rationale/justification)
- What is it we don’t know? What is the gap in our knowledge this research will fill? What needs to be improved? (Problem Statement)
- What steps will the researcher take to try and fill this gap or improve the situation? (Objectives)
- Is there any aspect of the problem the researcher will not discuss? Is the study limited to a specific geographical area or to only certain aspects of the situation? (Scope)
Literature Review
It presents a critical look at the existing researches that are significant to the work that you are carrying out. You cannot simply give a concise description of, for example, an article: you need to select what parts of the research to discuss (e.g. the methodology), show how it relates to the other work (e.g. What other methodologies have been used? How are they similar? How are they different?) and show how it relates to your work (what is its relationship to your methodology?).
Theoretical Background (if any)
This section presents theoretical background used.
Data and Proposed Method
- Explanation of how data was collected/generated, explanation of how data was analyzed, explanation of methodological problems and their solutions or effects. We need to know how the data was obtained because the method affects the results.
- Knowing how the data was collected helps the reader evaluate the validity and reliability of your results, and the conclusions you draw from them.
- The research methods must be appropriate to the objectives of the study.
- The methodology should also discuss the problems that were anticipated and explain the steps taken to prevent them from occurring, and the problems that did occur and the ways their impact was minimized.
Results and Discussion
- Statement of results: the results are presented in a format that is accessible to the reader (e.g. in a graph, table, diagram or written text).
- Explanatory text: all graphs, tables, diagrams and figures should be accompanied by text that guides the reader's attention to significant results. The text makes the results meaningful by pointing out the most important results, simplifying the results, highlighting significant trends or relationships, and perhaps commenting on whether certain results were expected or unexpected.
- Explanation of results: the writer comments on whether or not the results were expected, and presents explanations for the results, particularly for those that are unexpected or unsatisfactory.
- References to previous research: comparison of the results with those reported in the literature, or use of the literature to support a claim, hypothesis or deduction.
- Deduction: a claim for how the results can be applied more generally (a conclusion based on reasoning from the results.
- Hypothesis: a more general claim or possible conclusion arising from the results (which will be proved or disproved in later research).
This section gives a summary of:
- What was learned (this usually comes first)
- What remains to be learned (directions for future research)
- The shortcomings of what was done (evaluation)
- The benefits, advantages, applications of the research (evaluation), and recommendations.
Please write here the supporting agency for your research.
The following are guideline in preparing references for your manuscript:
- Cite the main scientific publications on which your work is based. Cite only items that you have read.
- Do not inflate the manuscript with too many references – it doesn’t make it a better manuscript.
- Avoid excessive self?citations.
- Avoid excessive citations of publications from the same region.
- Check each reference against the original source (authors name, volume, issue, year, DOI Number).
- Carefully follow the publisher instructions to authors.
- References expect a minimum of 30 references primarily with a minimum of 80% to journal articles. It is recommended to use a tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for reference management and formatting.
If any